You do not have to install any more VNC server on build82, you have two
1. Vino
   Start->Preferences->Remote Desktop or run 'vino-preferences'
   Check 'Allow other users to view your desktop'
2. Xvnc
   Darren have an excellent script to setup it.

On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 18:43 -0800, Kevin Duffey wrote:
> Hello all,
> Not sure this is the right place to ask this, if not can you point me
> to a more specific forum (that is preferably active) that I can seek
> some Solaris help from?
> So I installed the build 82 community edition, boots up fine into the
> GUI. I run it on a 2nd computer and use my dual monitors on my main
> machine, so ideally I wanted to run VNC from my main machine to access
> the solaris box when I need a UI, ssh otherwise. I'm mostly a GUI type
> of person, so I imagine I'll use it more so than ssh as I am far from
> a command line linux/solaris guru.
> From what I found online, it appears that VNC server (xvnc) should be
> installed as part of the build. For some reason, the /usr/local/
> folder doesn't even exist which from what I found online is where VNC
> should be installed (/usr/local/bin). I am not exactly knowledgeable
> in downloading and making/building the sources either. I am also
> trying to figure out the downloadable pkgadd files from
> It then says that I need jpeg and libc or something.
> I downloaded those, but I can't seem to figure out what to do next. I
> know, it's sad. I can keep messing with it, but figure I'd seek some
> help in the meantime to maybe hasten up the process.
> Oh, I am running the 32-bit version, although I would love to know if
> there is any benefit for my home PC (dual-core 925 intel cpus with 2GB
> ram, nvdia video card) if it's worth it to put the 64-bit version on
> there. I am primarily interested in setting up the XVM stuff, playing
> around with the different doms, and learning how to use XVM to create
> virtual machines. There is that option to start in XVM, not sure what
> to do from there, if anyone has pointers that would be great as well.
> Thank you.
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