> > If you look here ->
> > http://www.opensolaris.org/os/downloads/
> > 
> > You'll see this -> "It is updated every other
> > Friday." Under the "Solaris Express Community
> > Edition" section. Assuming that is the release
> that
> > you are looking for, b85 is due next Friday, the
> 21st
> > of March.
> > 
> > Good luck w/your wireless card!
> I don't see any explicit reference to b85 on the link
> you provided.  I'm guessing that your inference is
> based upon the fortnightly update schedule assumption
> or is it based on something else?

Pure update schedule assumption. For the times that I've been anxiously 
awaiting the next release, the schedule has held true. I haven't watched it 
very religiously however so I have no idea how accurate the schedule is.
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