This month's meeting brings us John Weeks to speak about a new and
interesting technology for OpenSolaris. You will hear about the Flexible
Mandatory Access Control, a recent project which seeks to add the Flux
Advanced Security Kernel (Flask) architecture and Type Enforcement (TE) to

Joining John Weeks as a leader of this project is Stephen Smalley, the
architect of Flask/TE.

FMAC can be read about on the OpenSolaris website at:

John Weeks works in the SunFed division of Sun Microsystems, and some of
you might recognize his name. He was the other engineer that worked with
me to assist in bringing OpenOffice and Mozilla products to Solaris x86
before Sun was able to provide them in the base operating system. Things
have changed, but John has been there in the trenches trying to provide
the community with better software. FMAC shows promise as being yet
another great technology which John is trying to bring to your
OpenSolaris systems.

In addtition to John's presention, I will be giving a short presentation
on a QuickStart docment which John created to assist folks in being able
to install, setup the tools, grab the sources, build, and install
OpenSolaris to an existing system. I will be putting the document up on
Genunix soon under a wiki so that we can all add and tailor this document
to accomodate the various communities at large. This is targeted as a
QuickStart specific, not as a comprehensive document. Look for this
OpenSolaris Build QuickStart coming to a wiki near you soon!

  When: Thursday, March 28, 2008
Where: Sun's Santa Clara Campus Auditorium (SCA03 upstairs)
  What: Introduction to Flexible Mandatory Access Control (FMAC)
  Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm


Hope to see you there, and if not, hope you see us!


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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