Victoria Muntean writes:
> I have several questions to understand how versioning of opensolaris works.

Unfortunately, the question you're asking doesn't really have a clear
answer.  (It seems you're basing your questions on the Linux kernel
numbering scheme and, no, we don't do things quite that way.)

Solaris has had two Major releases: those were the very first SunOS
release decades ago, which was BSD-based, and the Solaris 2.0
SVr4-based release.

Since 2.0 (which was a long time ago as well; circa 1992), we've had
only Minor releases.  Even Solaris 10 is technically a Minor
(compatible) release.

The current bits under development on are code-named
Nevada, and the current rules for integration (into OS-Net, the core
of the operating system) specify that projects must have Minor release
"binding" -- meaning compatible changes.

The source code could be compiled to produce a "Solaris 11" (another
Minor release) at any time, but I know of no current plans to do so.
(And if I did, this probably wouldn't be the right venue to talk about
it anyway.)

The key issue, though, that makes your questions unanswerable is that
versioning is up to *distributors*.  Those who create distributions
based on OpenSolaris are free to choose content (and create local
changes as well) that represent a range of possible release bindings
and thus completely different numbering schemes.

Nobody in OpenSolaris really has the power to force a distributor into
one version numbering scheme or another.  Or any at all.

That includes the "uname" output, which distributors may (and probably
should) change to suit local tastes.  The default output says "5.11,"
but since that's not part of any released Sun product[1], that may
well be untrue.

> 1. Are version numbers of Opensolaris and version number of Solaris line 
> synchronized, or separate ?

Neither.  There's currently no version numbering (other than Mercurial
changeset numbers) going on with OpenSolaris.

> 2. Where can I see timeline of releases, by recent years, of Opensolaris and 
> of Solaris, with version numbers ?

You can't see any for OpenSolaris, but for Solaris, google finds many
references.  A good one is:

Some of the distributions (such as Sun's "Solaris Express Community
Edition") have a build number that's based on the biweekly builds done
by the Sun release engineers.  Some distributions seem to follow that
build numbering scheme, but nobody really compels any distributor to
use it.

For the biweekly schedule used in OS-Net, see:

> 3. Are version number of the kernels separate from version numbers of 
> distros, or same ?  Are version number of Opensolaris kernels synchronized 
> with version numbers of SOlaris kernels, or separate ?
> 4. Is whole solaris kernel opensourced, or only parts of kernel ?


There are only a very few things (such as CDE) that aren't available
due to licensing problems.  (And, no, we generally can't do anything
about those few unavailable parts.  Complaining upstream would be more
productive.  :-<)

[1] There are murky areas here, such as OpenSolaris Developer Preview,
    that I don't understand.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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