On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Kapil Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I don't get the whole "who cares about GUI, it's all int he command line!" 
> concept.
> Command lines though useful in doing batch processing and clumping together
> multiple things in a script, are a thing of the past. Managing systems using 
> a GUI
> is MUCH faster and intuitive than using command lines.

While I might agree with you on the intuitive advantage of the GUI,
particularly for new
or inexperienced administrators, I'll disagree on the speed and ease of system
management argument. With a CLI, and the ability to automate and
script processes
through the CLI, you can quite easily have an Administrator to System
ratio in excess
of 30 to 1 - not at all unusual in the Unix world. When you force
administrators to use
a GUI to manage those systems, it is very difficult to have that ratio
get better than 10
to 1 - the norm in the Windows world.

As for a GUI installer, that would be nice to have, but you have to
remember that the
vast majority of Sun systems do not even have a graphics adapter in
them, and are
more likely than not going to be installed via JumpStart from media or
a flash archive.
Even the text based installer, which has always worked flawlessly for
me, is rarely seen.

> Sure, I like Windows and all the pretty GUI stuff that comes with it, but the 
> reason
> I like them is because it makes managing the system EASIER, bot because
> Microsoft has more GUI porgrammers than Sun.

If the GUI is so much better than the CLI, why is it that Microsoft
has spent so much
time, effort and money to develop the CLI system management tools that they are
adding? It's because GUI tools are significantly slower, less flexible, and more
cumbersome to use when you are managing an enterprise. They work great for
small environments with only a few machines, but they simply do not
scale well to
enterprises with large numbers of machines with varying configurations doing a
myriad of tasks.

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