On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 01:10:15PM +0200, Nico Sabbi wrote:
> I'd like to point out this stupidity in the localization of scp/ssh,
> that can have *VERY* dangerous consequences (like being
> locked out of your server).
> At the first connection ssh asks you if you want to continue the
> connection towards an unknown host, but the italian-localized
> version accepts only "sí" as "yes": it doesn't accept
> 'y' or 'yes'. Read below:
> Proseguire nella connessione (sí/no)?  
> Sadly that accent is wrong (it should be grave, not acute, and read
> "sì") and  there's no letter "  í  " on the keyboard.

> Don't you agree with me that accepting a plain "yes" would make
> an extremely high amount of (common) sense?

To begin with, this doesn't lock you out.  You _can_ try again.

But most importantly, this isn't a problem with ssh(1) but rather with
how we handle localization in Solaris.  Basically, programs ask the
system what the localized "yes" and "no" strings are and that's what
they look for (nl_langinfo(YESSTR), ...).

We'd have to have a way of knowing whether it is OK to accept English
yes/no strings in the current locale.  Imagine a language where "yes"
means "no" in English.  More realistically, I'd want an expert in
I18N/L10N to look at whether it's OK to accept "yes" and "no" in, say,
bidi languages.

By the way, a workaround for mis-translated YESSTRs would be to
cut-n-paste what's shown in the prompt.  Or else just type what's shown.

Bottom-line: this is an L10N issue.

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