On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:00:12PM -0700, Glenn Lagasse wrote:
> Sure, anything is 'possible'.  But in reality, none of the
> virtualization systems I've used (Xen, Vmware, VirtualBox, Parallels)
> actually support/work being run in a virtualized environment.  I've
> certainly never gotten any sort of thing to work (and to be quite
> honest, I wouldn't expect it to work or work well).  Could they be made
> to work?  Possibly, I suppose.  But the facts as they stand today are
> that they don't.  At least in my experience.

I'm no expert on most virtualisation s/w but I know with vmware, it has code in
place to specifically stop you trying to run vmware inside vmware. This is
presumably because the vmware guys know it isn't going to work and it shouldn't
be tried.

I know this doesn't help the conversation much but it's just my 2c :)


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