On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, takafumi ashiba wrote:

> Hi FrankH,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I would like to use filesync to backup from local disk(UFS) to file server.
> The size of local disk is 3TB. so, I plan to backup incrementaly everyday.
> I think to use ufsdump & ufsrestore. but ufsdump can't backup until level 9.
> And if I delete a file which backuped yesterday, but a file can't delete on 
> file server.
> So file server's disk is increased forever.
> By the way, If rsync is implemeted in solaris,  I wants to use that.

Then please do so, because it's there, actively maintained, and does, for 
all your description, seem to do what you want.

filesync is for "small syncs" - no more than e.g. a project work 
directory, a single user's home directory (or better: documents folder). 
It never was meant to be a whole-server-backup mechanism.


> Because the performance of filesync is slow.
> I think this problem is caused by small block size.
> #define       COPY_BSIZE      8192    /* block size for file copies   */

The code is ancient, no functional updates since about 1997. Behaviour on 
current systems could therefore best be characterized by "showing symptoms 
of bit rot".


> Regards,
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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