> Thats is one of the problems of OpenSolaris in
> comparison to Linux: It have not so much driver.

Yes, it has fewer drivers, at the moment.

> And the driver which works, don't run all perfect.

And would you care to prove an example ? As I tend to disagree with you on this 

> It seems also, that Solaris starts in 32bit mode and
> don't recognized, that the computer is a 64 bit
> computer.

I highly doubt that, see the output of isainfo -kv

> The other problem of OpenSolaris is, that it is in my
> eyes not really an OpenSource system, because
> OpenSolaris can until the current time, not be
> compiled with the GCC and the compilers with which it
> is compiled, are not OpenSource.

And who told you that it cannot be compiled with gcc ?

And I quote: "The latest ON sources (beginning early in build 38) are now 
compatible with gcc."
Moreover, xorg in OpenSolaris IS built with gcc.

> And OpenSource
> Operating Systems, which can only be created with
> ClosedSource programs, are in my eyed not reallly
> completly OpenSource systems.

An ignorant conclusion.
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