On 08/11/08 14:06, Sandy Stewart wrote:
> My team would like to request that the Storage Community sponsor a project to 
> release the Sun KMS 2.0 API as an Open Source Module.
> The intent of this project is to make available to any partner, the protocol 
> by which an arbitrary encryption agent can receive encryption keys in a 
> secure and authenticated manner from the Sun KMS 2.0.
> Having never gone through this process before, we ask the Group's indulgence 
> and advice in how to complete this process successfully.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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Hi Sandy,

As the storage community facilitator I'll be happy to work with you. 
Being that this API is also security related, I would suspect it would 
also be good to get the security community involved. I'll contact you 
directly to set up a time to chat and start the process and determine 
what other communities might need to be involved.


Jeff Cheeney | OpenSolaris Storage Community | 
http://opensolaris.org/os/storage | http://blogs.sun.com/icedawn

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