john kroll writes:
> I'm still trying to figure out how to ask questions in this forum. Have you 
> switched to opensolaris?? One of the things which turned me off to evaluating 
> the build was the loss of control over root filesystem. How much room is in 
> root for /opt or /var to grow. Its seems now the option to run sxde is gone. 

I can't quite parse that question.  Or are there multiple questions?
Could you rephrase?

I've been running both SXCE and OpenSolaris for a while now, and I
haven't noted any loss of control over the root file system, or
problems with having the file systems grow.

Please clarify: what are you trying to do, what do you expect to see
happen, and what problem are you encountering?  Be as specific as

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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