Just got my SXCE build 95 fully working with Java Communications Suite 6, been 
a long hard road hacking the install to work on (unsupported) SXCE, but I think 
it's woth it, I've learnt a lot in the process. Still a noob, I have found it 
hard switching to Solaris (not had the buffer of linux that some have had) but 
I'm falling more in love with it every day. Still run Ubuntu for desktop usage 
(new to linux too), not for long by the looks of things :-)

I recommend build 95 to anyone looking for an alternative to Solaris 10. 
Besides the fully Gnome L&F it has an increasingly vast set of improvements 
over Solaris 10. Yes I know, it's not supported, but on a frankenstein 
home-built cheapish PC architecture it actually feels more stable, driver 
improvements I guess. Build 94 gave me grief, the broken font server at least 
was off-putting.

I have deployed SXCE b95 as both a personal communications suite / webserver / 
database & software development server,  whilst practically it is more of a 
test machine than production. However It resides in the U.K. and I live in 
Singapore, yet I have managed to install, re-install (3 times) the entire Java 
Comms Suite ++. From half way round the world I've tweak my firewall, restarted 
more times than I can remember (although it never fixed anything, just an old 
and bad habit from my Windows days, now long gone, and thank f**k for that) 
WITHOUT so much as a grumble, or blue screen (as if my ssh terminal would go 
blue - lol) or GOD D*MN REGISTRY HACKS. The point is, build 95 is stable and 
doing me proud so far compared to some close previous releases.

I'm gonna stick with BUILD 95 for a wee whiley yet, it hasn't let me down, 
AND... it's the year Java was born (big java fan), and possibly the year I lost 
my virginity.

I would much rather be using OpenSolaris (Indiana) but Sun Java System (AKA 
Java Enterprise System) will just not work on it AFAIK.

Haven't actually tried OpenSolaris recent build. IMHO it's great but moving a 
bit too fast and unstably for me too keep up with for time being. Last build I 
tested had the IPS GUI broken. I just cannot wait until IPS is as user friendly 
as Synaptic package manager. Must try it again soon...

I love Solaris, I gives me feeling that no other OS does, so hard to explain, 
it's just a feeling. When the mouse pointer stops moving for wee while, and 
you've just crinkled your innards thinking "oh no, how much grief is a crash 
gonna give me, what do I have redo all over again"  THEN, suddenly it resumes, 
everything is OK, and you realize it has momentarily diverted it's attention to 
some really important task.  Yep, Solaris, cool and calm as a whistle, freezes 
the sweat that just dropped from your forehead before it hits the keyboard.

To all involved, and largely to Sun engineers, here's a toast to you from me 
(whiskey in hand). Keep up the good work. :-)
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