After doing an image-update to 98, I am running into many problems.

1st thing that I had noticed was the absence of 'Xserver' command which 
led to the 'gdm' not being started and all I had gotten was only command 
line. I fixed this by editing the custom.conf in the gdm directory to 
have 'Xorg' instead of 'Xserver'.

Next, I noticed that the 'screen lock' menu item missing. Digging, I 
found that though the pkg SUNWxwsvr is mentioned as installed, the 
binaries xscreensaver* were missing. I tried reinstalling SUNWxwsvr, but 
since 'slim_install' was dependent, I could not 'uninstall' first. Then 
hoping uninstalling slim_install will not crash the system, I went ahead 
and uninstalled slim_install and then SUNWxwsvr.

All the while, whenever I did a 'pkg install' on any package, I got this 

(505)alcapone-3:~> pfexec pkg install -v SUNWxwsvr
pkg: install failed:

No other backtrace were available.

pkg verify SUNWipkg succeeded (no message and 0 return code)

I do see very little under /usr/X11/bin

(509)alcapone-3:~> ls /usr/X11/bin
amd64/                 fbconsole*             i386/
X@                     x11perf*               xcolor*
xdpyinfo*              Xephyr*                Xorg*
xpr*                   xscreensaver*          xscreensaver-command*
xscreensaver-demo*     Xvfb*                  Xvnc*
xwd*                   xwininfo*

I have lot of data on my system, so, other than that of reinstalling, 
what are my options? Thanks.

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