> Doesn't OpenSolaris already use IIIMF? What's the
> relationship
> between SCIM and IIIMF? What happens if different
> software teams
> choose one or the other framework so that both end up
> in use?
> --
> James Carlson, Solaris Networking

Please don't EVER mention the word IIIMF, OK?

Do you speak/use Chinese? I thought Rosa Parks' days only exist in memories. 
Unfortunately they are still alive and well in OpenSolairs.

Sad. SAD. Someone can kick me out from this forum, but one of these days, 
certain Sun's executive(s) must answer to this travesty. Someone must answer to 
this question as to why no one in China is using OpenSolaris, except, of those, 
a handful of Sun employees and those students and teachers at Sun-sponsored 
workshops and seminars.

Ed. I am moving this thread to the discussion forum, where it is more 

Could any of Sun's employees please forward this message to Ms. Lin Lee, Sun's 
new Vice President for the newly created position of "Global Communities"? 
'cause if this problem is not solved, she will have nothing to do with to Sun's 
OpenSolaris communities in a very important part of the world.  Whether I am 
right or not, is someone's words against mine, but this matter is so farking 
significant enough that someone with the real power to effect "change" should 
be aware of it. 

Message was edited by: waynel
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