Excellent Moinak!
You guys are rocking as usual.


Moinak Ghosh wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>    I am pleased to announce that the BeleniX package repository is now online
> with the spkg package manager client being almost fully functional. It uses 
> the
> very nice Axel download accelerator to do multi-site chunked downloads.
> Instructions on installing spkg and getting started with it are available 
> here:
> http://www.belenix.org/content/BeleniX-Package-Repository-now-online
> As a side note OpenOffice.ORG 3 is available in the repository via the
> openoffice3
> group or cluster package. Executing  spkg install openoffice3 will
> fetch it for you.
> The BeleniX package repository is hosted in a Zone at Genunix.ORG, with a
> mirror at Ibiblio.ORG, though the Ibiblio mirror is a little out of
> date with a resync
> supposed to happen soon.
> Regards,
> Moinak.
> P.S.: And yes OpenOffice 3 is available in the repository (spkg
> install openoffice3).

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