So here's the scenario.  We have roughly 800 boxes out in various locations 
running OpenSolaris snv_81.  There is no technical staff at these locations.  
Often if there's a connectivity issue, the staff will just power cycle the 
machine, which is not ideal.  Sometimes there is disk corruption as a result of 
these repeated power cycles and the machine will go into system maintenance 

I'm wondering if there's anyway to configure the OS to auto fsck the filesystem 
upon reboot if the OS detects the drives as being "unclean", because what 
happens is that if the box goes into maintenance mode, we need to build a new 
one and ship it out to the remote location and as a result they are down for 24 
hours or so.

There are no technical people on site at these locations, and asking them to 
console in with a PC using Hyperterminal or whatever isn't really an option 
unfortunately.  (We've requested that they don't power cycle it, but they don't 
seem to listen to that request)

I'm not sure if this is possible at all, but figured I'd check to see.

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