On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Ron Halstead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The above is correct but don't make the mistake a few people make. The
> entry in /etc/passwd is still /home/username, not /export/home/username.

Correct, and sadly this means you need to manually create then re-adjust the
home directory.

1. create the user home dir under /export/home
2. Populate it with files
3. Ensure permissions are correct
4. Create the user with home pointing at /home/username

- or -

1. Create the user with home pointing at /export/home/username, which can
then automatically create the directory with the correct permissions, and
populate it with some files from /etc/skel,
2. If relevant, populate it with more files
3. and finally adjust the home directory to point to /home _without_ moving
the dir.

- or -

Ignore /home completely and do everything under /export/home.

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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