James Carlson escreveu:
> Miguel Da Silva - URI writes:
>> svc-cswdhcp: Executing: /opt/csw/sbin/dhcpd  -d  -cf /opt/csw/etc/dhcpd.conf
> I'm no ISC DHCP expert (I currently use the Solaris one), but the
> above looks like a mistake to me.
> The '-d' option enables debug *and* forces the daemon to run in the
> foreground.  That's unlikely to be what you want.  It'll block the SMF
> start method from completing, and when that times out, it'll go into
> maintenance state.
> Remove the '-d' (just use syslog for debugging) and you should be
> fine.

Very interesting... the reason for using the -d option is because I'm
still testings this server, it means, it is not running right now in

Let's try removing this option and then see what I get... some feedback
latter. :)

Miguel Da Silva
Unidad de Recursos Informáticos
Facultad de Ingeniería - http://www.fing.edu.uy
Universidad de la República - http://www.rau.edu.uy
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