Whoever wants to use it!

Seriously though at this stage of the game I would say it mainly aimed at 
developers and people interested in operating systems. 

If your requirements are  simple like a malware free desktop with Open Office, 
a web browser and a few tools for web development your needs can be met.  More 
packages are being developed all the time.

While it is Unix like Linux and the BSD's some of the commands used are very 
different. The learnng curve is steep but if you have the ability to figure out 
Linux or BSD you can cope with OpenSolaris.

There are different variations of OpenSolaris as well. You are probably on 
2008.05 or a 2008.11 development version that uses IPS. For people running 
servers you may be better off with sxce. A good discussion of OpenSolaris 
distro's is found here:


That site is also good for getting a lot of desktop/developer things working.

You might find it useful to go through some of the posts on Planet OpenSolaris 
to find out what the community are using it for.


Also I would say this post would be better in OpenSolaris >>discuss so I will 

I am pretty new myself to OpenSolaris. So I hope I am not steering you wrongly.
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