
This looks like 6744203.  The nb.ie is an internal error in the
NorthBridge, but apparently type B6 is a hardware-corrected
ECC error of some sort and so the immediate diagnosis
of nb.ie to a fault is incorrect.


Robert Milkowski wrote:
> Hello opensolaris-discuss,
>  fmdump -e -u 3cd9bcf1-f5d0-4203-c07d-9cd31c67dae4 -V
> TIME                           CLASS
> Oct 31 2008 15:56:50.889995595 ereport.cpu.intel.nb.ie
> nvlist version: 0
>         class = ereport.cpu.intel.nb.ie
>         ena = 0x1bf08f247c00001
>         detector = (embedded nvlist)
>         nvlist version: 0
>                 version = 0x0
>                 scheme = hc
>                 hc-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
>                 (start hc-list[0])
>                 nvlist version: 0
>                         hc-name = motherboard
>                         hc-id = 0
>                 (end hc-list[0])
>         (end detector)
>         mc-type = error
>         ferr_fat_int = 0x0
>         ferr_nf_int = 0x2
>         nerr_fat_int = 0x0
>         nerr_nf_int = 0x0
>         nrecint = 0x0
>         recint = 0x0
>         nrecsf = 0x0
>         recsf = 0x1dc1120
>         intel-error-list = B6
>         __ttl = 0x1
>         __tod = 0x490b2ac2 0x350c414b
> ferr_nf_int - RWCST Attr, B5Err: Single Address Map Error (COH)
> or is it B8Err: SF Coherency Error for BIL(SF)?
> Whichever it is - what does it exactly mean? Is it some kind of
> ECC/CRC reporting but still not fatal (corrected)?
> The server is Dell 1950.
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