When:  Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008
Where: Sun's Santa Clara Campus Mansion
        (SCA07 just across the road from the Auditorium)
What:  Holiday Potluck, Social, and 2008.11 Celebration!
Time:  7:30pm-10:00pm


Just a reminder, the December SVOSUG meeting will move to this week, to 

We'll be having our annual Holiday Potluck/Social. Please feel free to join us 
for some holiday cheer along with some tech talk. If you are inclined to bring 
something for the potluck, your welcome to, but nobody is required to bring 
anything for the potluck. Bring yourself, some conversation, and enjoy the 
evening with fellow OpenSolaris, Linux, and BSD folks. Everyone is welcome to 
share some Holiday Cheer with us!

After being shown up by Chez Liu at the Halloween party this year, I might be 
bringing some good 'ol fashioned BBQ, smoked slowly over hardwood lump.

Help will be available if you would like to install the latest OpenSolaris 
2008.11 which was just released. This is a dandy release that has been underway 
for quite some time, lots of new features have been added and this is shaping 
up into a very nice distribution.

This release was a good way to wrap up the year, IPS has really come a long 
way, and OpenSolaris is maturing into a nice system.

Happy Holidays to all, drive safely over the holidays, and let's all hope for a 
great 2009!


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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