hey ...

I'm writing an article about the OpenSolaris User Groups for one of 
Sun's developer websites. I'm working on an outline right now.

If anyone has any really cool stories to tell, let me know. Stuff like 
how your group has grown, what things people are contributing, who 
you've had as speakers, what you've learned along the way, what we can 
all do as a community to continue grow around the world, challenges 
you've overcome, etc. I'm especially interested in hearing from OSUGs 
that have started new projects or that collaborate with existing 
projects. This can include things like code contributions to a project 
or distro or the setting up and running of conferences or the 
translation of content or something like that. Over the last three years 
the OSUGs have actually accomplished quite a bit out there, and I'd like 
to weave all that into a really cool article (or series of articles).

Ping me off list if you want to chat privately about this. I'd like to 
do a few interviews and quote some people as well. Also, feel free to 
respond on list and help kick around some ideas. If you respond on list, 
though, just respond to advocacy-discuss.

Thanks ...  :)


Jim Grisanzio
Sr. Program Manager, OpenSolaris Engineering

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