
Joerg Schilling píše v út 30. 12. 2008 v 13:49 +0100:
> Timo Schoeler <timo.schoe...@riscworks.net> wrote:
> > thus Alan Coopersmith spake:
> > > Octave Orgeron wrote:
> > >> Agreed.. this is definitely pushing the SPARC workstation market to an 
> > >> end.
> > > 
> > > Sun already ended sales of SPARC workstations several months ago -
> > > there's no more pushing to that point to do.
> >
> > IBM sells POWER-based workstations. I like workstations, I like *real*
> > workstations even more. Sun should not rely on x86/x64-only machines, IMHO.
> If the CPUs that are used in the new 9000 series are available for an 
> affordable
> price, Sun could make Spars workstations. The old Sun sparc CPUs are just not 
> in the right class for a today's workstation.

another possibility can be based on CMT RD kit released few days ago.
Yes, it's Niagara core, so generic desktop isn't the target there but
somebody could find it good enough.

Best regards,


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