Shawn Walker <> writes:

> The problem is that you're setting syntax on *before* you set the
> value of t_Co.  Move this:
> " Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
> " Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
> if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
>   syntax on
> endif
> the very bottom of your vimrc, and it will work (it did for me).
> Cheers,

Me too!  Whooopee  Thank you Shawn Walker  you made my day.

I've been so busy trying to learn and understand Opensolaris,zfs etc
etc that I never did do anything about the sourcing problem.  Just been
poking along... and resourcing when ever I really wanted syntax hilite.

(I'll probably get roughed up for this .. hehe.. but, Truth to tell I
was actually calling emacs if I thougt of it in time.  My fingers go
to v i m on their own when I need to edit something quick.  But I was
starting to think in time more often.)

Now with just that tiny edit... I'm good to go.

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