Harry Putnam wrote:
Harry asks:

Is there a better way?

casper....@sun.com replies:


zpool pool replace olddevice newdevice

System says on, you can use the data and after a while it is done.

If it's a bootable pool, then there might be a problem; you can do it in two steps:

        zpool pool attach olddevice newdevice (make a mirror)

and later, after a reboot from the new mirror (and after installing grub)

        zpool pool detach pool olddevice

Sorry to keep on about this but, I'm right on the verge of doing it
now and of course getting a little gun shy. Two things come to mind.

1) The existing boot drive with OS on it is a 25 gb slice of
   c3d1(a 60 gb disk), so c3d1s0
The new device is a 500 gb drive all one newly created slice, so:

   If I use the second technique above (the two step option), the new
   device  c3d0s0 will become a 25 gb mirror of old device c3d1s0,
   even though the new device is really 500gb... right?
The mirror capacity is 25GB, the second drive is still 500GB

   Now when it comes to the detach step, does the newdevices then
   become a 500gb partition again? Does anything cling to the old 25gb

It always was 500GB.

The above is the standard method for enlarging a mirror, replace one side with a bigger device, re-silver, then replace the other.

2) Casper indicated a different 2 step procedure in the event where the
   newdevice needs to be bootable.  That is the case for me.

   I wondered if I might be able to use the first technique anyway:

Probably best stick to the mirror approach.


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