On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Hubert Kah
<nasty.stud...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> hi,
>> What msg did you get after you tried to attach the
>> kernel driver?
>> The more interesting question is, why the nvidia
>> driver wasn't chosen
>> in the first place.
> You mean a simple modload? I get this:
> tob...@antigone:~# modload nvidia
> can't load module: No such file or directory
> tob...@antigone:~# modload glx
> can't load module: No such file or directory

No, not a simple modload. When I say "attach", then I mean something
like add_drv or update_drv.
Also, what you tried above looks wrong, because for modload to work
you must always specify a path to the object you want to load into
kernel space, it doesn't look in a default search path if it can find
something with that name.

> But I can't load other drivers like nv or vgatext.

What is the problem?

>> Also: Verify if smf-rbac/nvidia_vendor_select worked.
> How can I check this? I can't find anything about that.

$ ls -al /lib/opengl/ogl_selectnvidia_vendor_select
total 22
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     bin            4 Feb  2 03:51 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     bin            3 Jan 29 17:19 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin         3145 Feb  1 11:06 mesa_vendor_select
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin         3177 Feb  1 11:06 nvidia_vendor_select

As a user or role with enough authorization go there, run them with
"ksh93 -x ./nvidia_vendor_select" and look if something goes wrong. In
that case, post the output.

See the other nvidia related problem which another user wrote about
yesterday, msg. includes response:

p.s. This topic is xwin-discuss relevant, on that list the chances are
higher that some "right" person sees your question and can help you.
That's why I had forwarded your email of yesterday to xwin-discuss. I
put it into CC again.

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