> The stats below are from mpstat. Notice the "usr" field jumps from 2 or 3 to
> 97 ! 

Can you use "prstat" to determine which process is using all that CPU?

> I still have those horrible lags on OpenSolaris. For instance, the lag occurs
> each time I launch xload on a host with "nothing else" (well, I mean a clean
> window session, no other window and no intensive background or net
> application). When I do that, the time xload loads, my host is nearly frozen
> (moving the mouse is very slow). 

It might be Xorg that is using the processor.  I see in your earlier
posting that you have ATI graphics.  You might try making a couple of
settings in your xorg.conf to see if that helps.  In the "Device" section,
try one of the following:

        Option  "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps" "on"
        Option  "AccelMethod"   "EXA"   # default is "XAA"



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