On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Frank Mancini <frank...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> What is a good method to test the validity of memory (rcapd) and cpu shares 
> on a particular zone?
> Does Sun have any tools because tools like "top" and "prstat" don't give you 
> a clue to how much memory is really available to a zone.

Memory caps are super useful, but they do have a few issues. The
biggest issue is that shared memory is not accounted for properly, so
processes that use shared memory can suck up more memory that the
amount configured in the memory cap. The second issue is that you
can’t use memory caps in the global zone to limit how much memory is
used in a local zone. Both of these issues are being worked on by Sun
(I once read something, I cannot verify this).

See docs.sun.com - maybe.

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