Hi, I have an idea about improvements of ZFS from the one side and improvements 
for of the GUI interface from the other side. Let me describe my idea.

>From the one side we have an ZFS on-th-fly snapshots, and starting from 
>OpenSolaris 2008.11 we have TimeSlider user feature based on ZFS snaphots. So, 
>we made a big step to the user.

But from the other side we still have in GUI interface "old" Move-To-Trash 
behaviour: this is usual mv command when user delete files on he's ZFS 
partition and copy+delete commands for all other partitions. So when user's 
home is rpool/export/home/username and this user perform Move-To-Trash 
operation for some file from, let's say, rpool/export/share/allusers, this file 
actually copied to rpool/export/home/username (.local folder in user home) and 
if size of this file is not to small (for example 1 or 2 Gb) this operation 
takes a lot of time and a lot of free disk space of both partitions.
And, o'cos, Move-To-Trash function now available only for users with GUI access 
to system, not to shell users.

We we look to the pure user system - Mac OS, we can see that moving to trash of 
any file is atomic operation (like snapshots on ZFS) and actually file is 
always moved to some .Trash folder on current partition.

An itea is simple and I believe that it's realization on ZFS side is in terms 
of main ZFS idea.
let it be some command like 'zrm' with syntax equal to 'rm' syntax, and this 
command will not remove file, but move file to .zfs/trash folder (for example 
with full path and o'cos with all permissions). And, for example, the new 
command 'ztrash' with features for managing this 'trash' like list of deleted 
files, undelete some file, etc. And, o'cos, user interface will use this two 
commands when working on ZFS.
What we will have of this:
1. Move-To-Trash will be very fast operation, not depending on file size and 
2. deleted files in any case will take the same disk space as before deletion
3. Move-To-Trash feature become available to console users, not only to GUI 
4. we will have some 'out-of-snapshots' space :) for example to hide file from 
snapshot move it to trash, then create the snapshot and after this - undelete 

Any comments?
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