On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 13:36 -0700, Anon Y Mous wrote:

> (1) it doesn't make it easy to do a minimum server install with just a 
> command line and Apache and Tomcat or 

> just Lightttpd or just a command  line and a PostFix e-mail server (no GUI!!! 
> yeah you can do svcadm disable gdm,

>  but that's still not a very slim minimal server install for people who come 
> from a background like OpenBSD, FreeBSD or Slackware). 

> I guess there's that distro constructor, but I'm usually in a hurry to do 
> things with the boss telling me I'm on the clock and angry

>  customers calling in and yelling at me, so I haven't really gotten around to 
> researching that yet. 

You can do that easy  - look for example on

Best regards,

Alexander Eremin
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