Shawn Protsman wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Glenn Lagasse wrote:
How did you try to look for it?

glaga...@shire:~$ pkg search gvim
INDEX      ACTION    VALUE                     PACKAGE
basename   file      usr/bin/gvim pkg:/sunwg...@7.2.84-0.111
basename   file      usr/bin/gvim pkg:/sunwg...@7.2.84-0.111
description set       gvim pkg:/sunwg...@7.2.84-0.111

So, it's available in the SUNWgvim package which you can install via:

$ pfexec pkg install SUNWgvim

Hi Glenn,

Yep, tried that. I get nothing:

sprot...@belinda:~$ pkg search gvim

This is still a vanilla install so far.

If you're running a build prior to 111, the default for search is to search your local system instead of the remote package repositories.

So, you need to say:

pkg search -r gvim

As of build 111 (maybe it's 110?), search now searches the remote package repositories instead of your local system by default.

To search your local system, use -l.

Shawn Walker
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