I'd be very surprised if the system booted the "wrong" kernel by default. [ If it did, then please file a bug. ]

I'm assuming your CPU is 64-bit?
If so, there are some things you can look at to check you've booted 64-bit.

1) The boot line will say something like: "SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_xxx 64-bit". 2) Once logged in, you can run "isainfo -v". If it returns information about 64-bit, then it would have to be a 64-bit kernel.

Even so, I would expect a 32-bit limitation to either be 2Gb (signed 32-bit number) or 4Gb (unsigned), not 3Gb. Much more likely is the memory is used elsewhere. See previous posts in this thread for some information about this:

Jurgen Keil wrote:
~1GB is lost because the address space is used for
PCI device memory mapped i/o ports, apic registers,
pcie memory mapped configuration space, etc...

Some chipsets are able to remap the memory that
is lost because of the pci memory mapped address
range to a physical address >= 4GB. Unlike 32-bit
Windows, 32-bit Solaris would be able to use that
memory >= 4GB.

Incidentally, to answer your question, you can select which kernel by editing the grub line. References to $ISADIR will select the kernel according to your arch (64 bit first, if possible). You can force the 32-bit kernel by removing the $ISADIR reference in both the kernel$ and module$ lines.


Luis Martinez wrote:
Well, i was suspecting that, but i don't now how to do that!!! I installed the 
system from CD and grub only shows one option. I wonder if i confused in the 
installation... i don't know.

How can i choose 32-bit or 64-bit kernels?

Brian Ruthven                                        Sun Microsystems UK
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