from my point of view, they are not going to kill solaris neither
opensolaris, but get all the nice functionalities to build a real OS, and
not just copy RHEL, that for sure, they know what people are talking about
this copy, and for sure they won't be stand doing nothing.
For me the chances to keep solaris and opensolaris are more valid and
understandable than keeping "their linux".
they are just saying that linux is the best because they released their
version, because as you all know, oracle always said that solaris is the
best OS to run oracle db(just an example). now that they have solaris, it's
going to be even better, and they will come back to say the same as some
years ago.

that's my opinion.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Amitava Dutta <>wrote:

> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?
> asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.
> People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is.
> Not only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand
> clone of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle
> has long used Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its
> desktops. So, what does a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its
> newly purchased Sun's open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer
> appears to be: "Nothing."
> Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris
> developers are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux
> or let go once the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source
> managers have expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle
> has acquired Sun.
> This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief
> Corporate Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We
> have very few servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that
> support, you know, internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that
> continue to exist are on a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our
> business on Linux. In fact, I mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux,
> our entire development infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development
> platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise
> Linux."
> ....
> --
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