Rino Mardo <rma...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi.
> just goto 
> http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.5/contrib/solaris_pkgadd/firefox-3.5.en-US.opensolaris-i386-pkg.bz2
> then bunzip2 it, pkgadd it, and then, to make it replace the default firefox, 
> do this:

There is also a copy at sunfreeware.com

Note that you need to use this version if you use SNV 117 as on SNV 117 Forefox
is completely unusable - it displays only file:/// URLs but no other URLs.


 EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       j...@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog: 
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
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