Please see the attached output from the top command. It reports 100% CPU, even 
though the listed processes add up to nowhere near that.

Although the "user" and "kernel" values do change, they always add up to 100%.

What could be causing this, or is it lying?

This message posted from
load averages:  5.46,  4.71,  4.16;               up 0+00:32:54        18:05:50
117 processes: 108 sleeping, 8 running, 1 on cpu
CPU states:  0.0% idle, 59.4% user, 40.6% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Kernel: 3380 ctxsw, 14257 trap, 992 intr, 26267 syscall, 14 fork, 11571 flt
Memory: 2048M phys mem, 123M free mem, 1023M total swap, 1023M free swap

  1497 root        1  59    0  131M   94M sleep    1:54  5.47% Xorg
  1808 matt        2  30    0   70M 9472K run      0:58  3.19% gnome-session
  1830 matt        1  59    0 3952K 2528K sleep    0:42  2.42% dbus-daemon
  2386 matt       11  59    0  310M  128M sleep    4:00  2.25% firefox-bin
 10178 matt        2  59    0   90M   20M sleep    0:03  1.99% gnome-terminal
  1844 matt        1  59    0   13M 6596K sleep    0:38  1.92% gconfd-2
  1897 matt        1  59    0   98M   31M sleep    0:12  1.53% gnome-panel
  2025 matt        1  12   19   75M   17M run      0:05  1.11% tracker-indexer
 19954 matt        4  12   19   84M   21M run      0:00  0.96% tracker-extract
  1926 matt        1  59    0   85M   19M sleep    0:14  0.80% isapython2.4
  1879 matt        2  59    0   80M   17M sleep    0:12  0.62% gnome-settings-
 19431 root        1  30    0 5472K 4104K run      0:00  0.49% isapython2.4
  1948 matt        1  12   19  101M   43M run      0:21  0.47% trackerd
  1925 matt        1  59    0   77M   15M sleep    0:06  0.32% gnome-power-man
  1934 matt        1  59    0   73M   11M sleep    0:03  0.24% tracker-applet
  1956 matt        2  59    0   86M   15M sleep    0:03  0.21% nwam-manager
  2154 matt        1  59    0   12M 5012K sleep    0:04  0.21% xscreensaver
  2195 matt        1  59    0   88M   20M sleep    0:04  0.21% notification-da
 10204 matt        1  59    0 4004K 2360K cpu      0:04  0.21% top
 20122 root        1  40    0 1752K  464K run      0:00  0.20% zfs
  1899 matt        1  59    0 9816K 3052K sleep    0:02  0.17% gvfsd
 20123 matt        1  40    0 9444K 2660K run      0:00  0.15% vino-server
  1894 matt        1  59    0   77M   16M sleep    0:04  0.14% metacity
   359 daemon      4  59    0 9260K 2728K sleep    0:00  0.13% idmapd
  2043 matt        2  59    0   87M   18M sleep    0:03  0.11% gnome-netstatus
   144 root       38  59    0   14M 4592K sleep    0:01  0.09% nscd
  1918 matt        2  59    0  105M   37M sleep    0:01  0.07% nautilus
  2172 root        1  59    0 2368K 1328K sleep    0:01  0.07% gnome-netstatus
  1314 root       33  59    0   54M   47M run      0:06  0.05% java
   273 mysql       9  59    0   54M   20M sleep    0:00  0.04% mysqld

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