Hello Uros,

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Uros Nedic <ur...@live.com> wrote:

    Could you tell us a little more about overhead when those applications run 
    'naitive' OS (Windows or Mac OS X). Maybe, it is better to compare it with
    Mac OS X since on the same hardware same software run dramatically faster on
    Mac than on Windows XP/Vista.

I don't have Windows on any of my computers at this time. So, im sorry I cant 
compare or benchmark
at this time. I have run some benchmarks in the past tho.. They can be found 
here :


 Wine 0.9.49 Benchmarks
Benchmarking Wine on FreeBSD 7
Movies of PCMark 04 - 3DMark 2000 - 2001SE - 2003 in Wine
3DMark 06 Score on Wine 0.9.51
3DMark 05 Score on Wine 0.9.49
PCMark04 Score on Wine 0.9.49
Movies of Aquamark 3 & GL Excess in Wine



As you can see the benchmarks are getting old, ive been busy and haven't
really had time to run the benchmarks on more recent Wine builds.

    Also, I would like to know what is advantage of Bordeaux over WINE?

With version 1.8.2 we have bundled cabextract, wget and unzip, Bordeaux also
comes with install scripts for each of the apps we support. And a very simple
little GTK front-end.. It's in need of a major re-write to be honest.

In our SVN we have Wine 1.1.26 building and plan to bundle it next.. The three
tools above were mostly test cases for our build script.

We also plan to include some hacks, like what CodeWeavers does, but were also 
to include the unsupported DIB Engine see :


and a hack to get around ddraw painting the screen black with certain apps like 
ITunes and others. We also have some others hacks in mind, but that will give 
you a idea of
what we plan to do next.


    When do you plan to support the latest products from Adobe?

We support PhotoShop CS and CS2, I don't have CS3 at this time...
Can I ask what apps you would like to see supported?

    By the way, it is a great news and price is very affordable even for people
    in development countries.

Yea, and all the money we take in goes toward hacking hours, I'm a huge fan of
Open Source Software btw..  But it's hard to take time off from work or pay 
to do this type of work for free...

We give back all our Wine changes btw.. here is a recent example :


    Uros Nedic
    Belgrade, Serbia

    P.S: Please, be honest in answers since this is community of software 
    and any 'marketing language' will only diminish your brand in our community.



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