Le 4 août 09 à 22:02, Shawn Walker a écrit :

Shawn Walker wrote:
Gaëtan Lehmann wrote:

Le 4 août 09 à 20:16, Shawn Walker a écrit :

Vikash Tulsiyan wrote:
If i want to know that a package, say SUNWxyz, is present in existing list of publishers or not, whats the correct command to do so.
pkg info -r SUNWxyz or pkg search -r SUNWxyz ??
Also how do i search for the same package in a particular publisher only?


There's an RFE open for restricting search to a specific publisher:

With that said, if you want to see what publisher a search result came from, show the results as packages with -p:

$ pkg search -p 'SUNWipkg'
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org)
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org)

[glehm...@marvin ~]$ pkg search -p 'SUNWipkg'
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org)
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org)
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org-devel)
pkg:/sunwi...@0.5.11-0.75 (opensolaris.org-devel)

Probabely a stupid question, but why is it listed two times per publisher?
A configuration issue likely.
What does 'pkg publisher' say?

[glehm...@marvin ~]$ LC_ALL=C pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
opensolaris.org          (preferred)  origin   online   
opensolaris.org          (preferred)  mirror   online   http://localhost:10001/
local-test                            origin   online   http://localhost:10000/
opensolaris.org-contrib               origin   online   
pending.opensolaris.org               origin   online   
sun.com-extra                         origin   online   

(opensolaris.org-devel already removed)

Sorry, I just realised what you meant. Two results of each are shown for build 75 with different timestamps. You can't see this because search doesn't show the full FMRI (which includes the timestamp).

Ok, so I guess that http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/en/catalog.shtml is configured to only show the last timestamp and http://pkg.opensolaris.org/contrib/en/catalog.shtml is not.

By the way, you really shouldn't have opensolaris.org and opensolaris.org-devel. You should only have opensolaris.org and change the origin (with pfexec pkg set-publisher -O ...) to the /dev repository.

ok, I've removed it.



Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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