atul kulkarni wrote:
From what I can see, it's not Opensolaris.  It's
SXCE. What I dont nderstand is how you get two different release numbers "67" and "89". Did you type it manually and make a typo?
I copied it from the terminal and pasted it here.
There is no IPS or "pkg" binary.  There is no way to
install "pkg" into SXCE, and if you did copy it, it probably render SXCE useless when first used.
I did some digging to install IPS under SXCE, and I found
Although I havn't installed it yet, but are you sure it will break SXCE??

If you attempt to use it to manage packages that are installed under '/'; yes.

If you want to experiment with it, be sure that you only create and manipulate pkg(5) images with it under their own, isolated directory tree (such as /opt/ips assuming that /opt/ips is a directory that does not currently exist).

Shawn Walker
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