On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Jim Walker<james.wal...@sun.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the great response. It looks like there is a need for this
> project :)
> I added the Systems Administration area.

Technically, that is the "Systems Administration Community Group".

> Just a few more details before we begin the project ratification process:
> - need someone to volunteer to be project point of contact

Since you have taken the initiative to propose it, I nominate you.  If
there is a reason that you do not want this role, feel free to

> - I would like one more Community to sponsor this project since
>  it crosses Community Boundaries. If you think the project
>  proposal can be ratified in your Community let me know.
>  The Documentation and Testing Communities already plan to
>  sponsor this project.

I think it is appropriate for the Systems Administration Community
Group (hereafter "sysadmin community") to sponsor it as well.  Peter
Tribble (a core contributor in the sysadmin community) forwarded the
proposal to sysadmin-discuss, suggesting he would support endorsement.
 I am also a core contributor in the sysadmin community and am

> BTW. Since the website transition is in progress this project may start
> by sharing a sponsoring Community's webpages and/or genunix.org. The
> usecase-discuss email list will be available immediately after the
> project is ratified.
> Cheers,
> Jim
> =====
> o Project: OpenSolaris Use Case Project
> o Short Description:
> The OpenSolaris Use Case Project collects, develops and validates
> OpenSolaris
> operating system and application Use Cases and provides real world feedback
> to
> development, documentation, testing and other OpenSolaris groups to help
> ensure
> users get what they need from OpenSolaris distributions and applications.
> o Project Description:
> The primary focus of the OpenSolaris Use Case Project is to evaluate and
> organize real world OpenSolaris user experiences into Use Cases, case
> studies
> and best practices for the benefit of other OpenSolaris users, and to
> provide
> feedback to OpenSolaris developers, technical writers, testers and others so
> they may produce better quality products and education materials that more
> effectively meet user requirements. This project is run by users for users.
> Project roles and activities are diverse and include users bringing specific
> issues into the discussion, end users and consultants bringing expertise and
> focus to areas they are most interested in, Use Case organization and
> development experts, and project leaders who organize the overall project
> and review processes.
> Development, documentation, test teams and others can provide this project
> materials they want user feedback on prior to release to help ensure the
> user
> is getting what they need to be successful.
> Example areas of interest can include:
> * Core OpenSolaris Technologies
> zfs, smf, security, and DTrace and common OpenSolaris commands and utilities
> * OpenSolaris Installation and Packaging
> pkg, beadm commands, pkgmgr GUI, Automated Installer and Distro Constructor
> * OpenSolaris Systems Administration
> Standard and unique Systems Administration approaches and best practices
> * OpenSolaris Desktop
> OpenSolaris desktop, layout and appearance and standard desktop applications
> * Virtualization
> zones, crossbow, ldoms, xVM, VirtualBox, etc...
> * OpenSolaris Distributions
> distribution centric use cases for BeleniX, MilaX, Nexenta, SchilliX etc...
> * OpenSolaris Applications
> OpenOffice, contrib repo applications, Oracle, etc...
> * Development Tools
> SunStudio, netbeans, hg, svn, etc...
> * Hardware Configurations
> Various hardware types and storage configurations, etc...
> * Combination Solutions
> Unique End User solutions using multiple technologies
> * Use Case Development
> This area focuses on Use Case development itself, including how Use Cases
> are written, Use Case tools and the review process. Both formal and informal
> Use
> Case methods will be used.
> o Sponsoring Communities:
> Documentation Community
> Testing Community
> o Initial Project Members:

I think this should be "Project Members"

> Joanie Diggs (joanied)
> Jason Schroeder (jks)
> Alex Smith (sentinel)
> Uros Nedic (urosn)
> Sriram Natarajan ()
> Steven Acres (swa)
> Rich Reynolds (odd1)
> Octave Orgeron (oorgeron)
> Che Kristo (che)
> Guruprasad (lgp_cse)
> norbert (norbertc)
> Hernan Saltiel (hecsa)
> Masafumi Ohta (masafumi)
> Ken Mays (kmays)

Mike Gerdts (mgerdts)

> o Point of Contact:
> (needed)
> o Project Needs:
> Standard project website and SCM setup at:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/project/usecase/
> usecase-disc...@opensolaris.org email alias.
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

Mike Gerdts
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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