
Can i submit here featurerequests?
On OpenSolaris 2009 i am missing some programs, they are

Moonlight Firefoxplugin
Wireshark Networksniffer
A Dialog to configure the Printersettings (Collors, Format....) and to print a 
testsite in Gnome
A backport from the cadp160 driver
F-Spot to manage Picturelibarys
Banshee is on my wishlist too :)
a graphical tool to configure the Mixersettings for the Soundcard
and some graphical Tools to create Audio and Video Projects like Tovid, 
Hydrogen something like Mainactor and Ardour
Something like Tomboy for quickly notices

Thats currently that whats me almost hurts to migrate from Linux to OpenSolaris

kind regard Darko Hojnik
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