Paul Gress wrote:
Norm Jacobs wrote:
I forgot to mention that if you use CUPS as your print system, you don't need the printers:snmp service because CUPS and it's managment app system-config-printer, don't use HAL for network attached printer discovery.

So let me see if I have this correct. Since I'm using Cups, as supplied, I do not need to use printer discovery, turn it off. Cups enabled = Printer (Device) Discovery disabled. Correct?
The short version is yes.

The printer discovery support under hal provides async printer discovery. The USB printer discovery comes from the kernel via sysevents that translate into hal device tree add/remove events and the corresponding dbus messages. The network attached printer discovery was done as a hal addon, which mimics the behaviour provided for USB attached printers.

When you run CUPS, system-config-printer uses hal-cups-utils which has it's own method of plugging into HAL for async printer discovery and it pretty much ignores the network attached printer discoveries. This is consistent with it's operation on other platforms. Instead, when you launch system-config-printer, and ask to create a new queue, it asks CUPS to discover the available printers using the CUPS backend modules.

Shouldn't there be a popup messages alerting to this in "Services settings" (services-admin)?
You might file an RFE to mark the printers:snmp service as incompatible with the cups/scheduler service, though strictly speaking, they aren't really incompatible. They just don't interact with each other, but could be made to do so.

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