First I would like to praise all the people involved in developing Opensolaris. I have now successfully upgraded (sort of) from my install of SXCE. It went pretty smooth with exception of one hiccup, which I'll get to later.

My procedure was to purchase a new hard drive (in my case, Intel X-25M). I installed the from the live CD. After that upgraded to the development b123 build. No came the fun part, get my original Home directory working. So I mounted my old hard drive. Had to do this manually, simply a format command and escape from format with "CTL-C" to find the ID of the hard drive. For me, this was a little more work, because on SXCE I put my Home directory in /usr and succumbed to /export/home for Opensolaris. After coping the Home directory over I had to edit my Thunderbird and Mozilla "pref.js" files for the new Home directory.

Next was to get my one main program "Pro-Engineer" running. I installed "SUNWmfrun", the License manager and the Pro-E binaries. It ran no problems.

OK now back to my one hiccup. After I copied over my previous Home directory I get an error message upon startup after loging in.

"There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with a status 256)"

It doesn't prevent me from logging in, all seems fine after I close this dialog. I did check with running the binary gconf-sanity-check-2 and it exited with no errors. Does anybody have any ideas how to resolve this without creating a new user login?

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