I have the habit of putting my root's home onto a separate partition, so /root 

/dev/dsk/c1d1s1 /dev/rdsk/c1d1s1        /root   ufs     1       yes     -

(yep, I know it's lame to be always root :))

I LU'ed from nv_104 to 124, and during boot the system goes into maintenance 
mode, stating that filesystem/local:default is in maintenance mode.
mountall -l fails, because 
"/dev/dsk/c1d1s1 is already mounted or /root is busy"

According to "mount | grep c1d1s1" /dv/dsk/c1d1s1 is _not_mounted, and /root is 
empty. (As long as I login, then there is an .sh_history file, of course)

I tried to put /root into /export/home/root, etc, but no luck...

I have never experienced similar errors. I use Solaris since S9, and sxce since 
~49 or so.
(Okay, sxce is soon to be EOL'ed, but I like it, and would like to stick to it 
as long as I can.)

Any ideas/pointers/tips anyone??

Thanks in advance!

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