Dear all,
I have a question concerning the partitiong of a disk.
I want to install opensolaris 2009.05 x86 onto a PC with one sata disk.
I install from the live CD. The partitioner in the installation utility
tells me that I am allowed to install only one solaris partition.
The others remain unused.
I do not need the solaris system partition over the whole disk size. So
I make the solaris system 20GB and continue the installation process.
When I boot the installed system and do a "format", it sees only the
installed 20GB of the disk, but not the free space. How can I partition
the free space? (Or have I overseen something in the manuals?)
With kind regards and thank you for you help, Ulrich Hiller

Ulrich Hiller
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie
Koenigstuhl 17
69117 Heidelberg
phone +49 6221 528238
fax +49 6221 528246

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