Hi Mike,

Mike DeMarco wrote:
How do I know that the process is swapped out. Best answer I can give for this is that I don't. I have no tools that can tell me what processes are represented by the number that is in the "w" column in vmstat. I do know that once swap is hit this number will grow and stay > zero until the kernel is rebooted.
I am looking for tools/methods to analyze the processes in swap determine if 
indeed they are unneeded and remove them since they will never be called out of 
swap and are consuming disk space.
The "w" column in vmstat is a count of the number of threads swapped out. A swapped out thread will not have 0x1 set in t_schedflag. You can find the process(es) the threads belong to by:

# mdb -k
> ::walk thread t | ::print kthread_t t_schedflag | ::grep "(.&1)==0" | ::eval <t=K | ::print kthread_t t_procp | ::print proc_t p_user.u_psargs

(Starting at ::walk thread t is all one line.)


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