carlopmart wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to uninstall all gnome packages from an opensolaris 2009.06 installation and returns me some errors:

HASE                                        ACTIONS
Removal Phase                            35634/43799
Warning - directory var/log/gdm not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/var/log/gdm-20091021T161914Z

Warning - directory var/lib/gdm not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/var/lib/gdm-20091021T161914Z
Removal Phase                            35948/43799
Warning - directory usr/share/mime/application not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/mime/application-20091021T161914Z
Removal Phase                            36644/43799
Warning - directory usr/share/icons/nimbus not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/icons/nimbus-20091021T161914Z
Removal Phase                            37181/43799
Warning - directory usr/share/icons/gnome not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/icons/gnome-20091021T161914Z

Warning - directory usr/share/icons/Tango not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/icons/Tango-20091021T161914Z

Warning - directory usr/share/icons/Neutral_Plus_Inv not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/icons/Neutral_Plus_Inv-20091021T161914Z

Warning - directory usr/share/icons/Mist not empty - contents preserved in /var/pkg/lost+found/usr/share/icons/Mist-20091021T161914Z

After that if I execute "pkg list |grep gnome" I see that all gnome packages are removed. Can I safely ignore these errors? Can I remove all contents under /var/pkg/lost+found?

To remove gnome packages I use the following command: "pkg uninstall -rv ..."

 Many thanks.

These aren't errors so much as warnings that are simply telling you that the package system found files installed in these directories that it didn't expect to be there. As such, it has preserved them for you in the /var/pkg/lost+found directory. If you don't care about these files, feel free to remove /var/pkg/lost+found/* and ignore the warnings.

Shawn Walker
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