Hi all,

I have some doubts to deploy two opensolaris virtualized guests to serve iscsi disks for several guests like linux and windows.

I have do it some tests under ESXi 4 and I have problems using large disks (128G and 256G). When I launch "init 5" or shutdown command, opensolaris never stops. I don't know if it is a problem that appears only with vmware or not.

At this point I need your recommendation: which can be the best option to deploy opensolaris iscsi target virtualized guests?? My server is a HP ProLiant ML115 G5 with 8 GB RAM without RAID controller, only SATA. I need to deploy two opensolaris guests, 4 linux guests and 2 windows 2008 R2 guests on this server.

Many thanks.

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com
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