hello all,
On OS2009.06 b127, i need to capture traffic between two apps. I started with snoop, but as i'm only interested by ascii messages (the apps use telnet to communicate), snoop don't do the job well.
Somebody suggests me to use netcat, something like:
 nc -l -p PORT -e PROGRAM
and PROGRAM is:
netcat -o /tmp/sniffer.`date +%s.$$` servB 8023

with SUNWnetcat, it's impossible to do it, hopefully, there is blastwave package.

My question is "why does Sun deliver this kind of package"? And why with no man pages?
he...@tara:~$ pkg contents SUNWnetcat
he...@tara:~$ pkg info SUNWnetcat
          Name: SUNWnetcat
       Summary: Netcat Command
   Description: Netcat Command
      Category: Applications/Internet
         State: Installed
     Publisher: opensolaris.org
       Version: 0.5.11
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: 0.127
Packaging Date: November 11, 2009 10:06:33 AM
          Size: 34.22 kB
FMRI: pkg://opensolaris.org/sunwnet...@0.5.11,5.11-0.127:20091111T100633Z

Not very verbose to see the origin of netcat?

thanks for help,

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