On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Eugene Vilensky <evilen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is syslog-ng available for OpenSolaris, through IPS or otherwise?  If
> I were to build it, is there an "easy" metapackage for the build
> system, maybe analogous to Red Hat's rpmbuild+dependencies or Debian's
> "build-essential" metapackage?

I doubt that if it were installed on OpenSolaris that it would work
for processing logs for local programs.  This is because the things
that do the logging are going to use libc's implementation of
syslog(3C), which logs via a door (see libdoor(3lib)).  Doors are
unique to [Open]Solaris and as such syslog-ng is unlikely to be
listening for log messages at /etc/.syslog_door.

Mike Gerdts
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