> And sorry, but you're complaining about .64 seconds?
>  Seriously?

I can understand why that would be a problem: if there are large number of 
packages to query, those CPU times will add up.

You have think in terms of scalability.

In writing applications which make heavy use of databases, we have something 
called stress testing, where we artificially generate tables with 5, 6 hundred 
milion rows, and then do our queries and tuning, even though the application 
might never use than perhaps 100 rows.

The logic is that if the code is optimized for loads that are 600 million times 
greater than the expected real life workload, and still perform *fast*, we 
should be able to be responsive and withstand real-world customer beating on 
the application and the database and not ditch our contract come time to renew 
because our application is "slow garbage".
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